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Duncan sat on the deck of the small schooner headed for Grenada. He was reading War and Peace for a second time that year. Methos was stretched out, with his olive green Drizabone hat over his eyes. Even though he hated being on the water, the fresh air breezes, with the scent of salt floated in the air. Methos felt the burn of the sun, singe his skin, so he rolled over onto his back and let the other side get tanned.
"Mac, why are we going to Grenada again?"
"Because you are going to relax while I go shopping."
"Shopping for what?"
"You'll see."
"Gee, you're no fun."
"Once I finish this chapter, I'm going down for a nap and a beer, join me?"
Mac threw in the beer reference to capture Methos' attention. Alcohol, sex, and sleep could just about capture anyone's interest.
"Yeah sure. You can apply the after sunburn cooling gel…"
Duncan crooked his eyebrow, because he knew Immortals didn't get sunburns… Well not for long anyway. He knew what the cool gel meant.
So about an hour later, Methos was fully burned to a crisp. Duncan had finished reading and the other gay couples aboard either were in a card game, fishing, reading, or down in the cabins. Methos held in his breath and his quickening energy until they got below deck. Duncan got them into their cabin and Methos' quickening energy began to flow all over his body, healing his sunburn but leaving the tan. Duncan pulled off his tank top and pulled off the coverlet off the bed. He lay on the cool sheets and his head fell back to the pillow. Methos pulled off his rubber soled deck shoes and Duncan's and tossed them into the corner of the cabin. He slinked out of his board shorts and sat on the bunk in his birthday suit.
"Oh these are heaven… Did you bring these from home?"
Mac smiled, "Yes and no."
"Yes, I bought them at home, but no I didn't bring them from the loft."
"Oh… I love 'them' anyway."
"Is something the matter?"
"Well… Yes and no."
"Methos…" Duncan said in a warning tone.
"All right, all right. You're over dressed… And when you're not there's no more problem."
"Fine, there… Happy?" Duncan said as he wiggled his way out of his navy Docker shorts.
Methos let Duncan resettle before he spread Duncan's legs. He placed himself there in between his legs and he began to kiss his neck. Then Duncan captured Methos lips with his and gave him several arousing kisses. Sometimes sucking on his lips, tracing Methos mouth with his tongue, or stroking Methos' tongue with his own. Methos' hands were firmly on the bed supporting his chest as he began to rub his groin against Duncan's. Duncan moaned into Methos' mouth as he felt his cock rub against Methos'. Methos let Duncan's cock slide in between his sacks almost as if they were breasts. Duncan broke free of Methos mouth as they ground their groins into each other.
"Adam, oh god…"
"Tell me what you want…"
"The lube is in the compartment over there."
Methos reached northeast to the compartment just off of the bed and grabbed the lube.
"Okay, now what."
"When I say, I want you to start to rock against me."
Duncan popped the top and spread a little, about the size of a quarter of the lube onto his body, just above his base. Then after closing the bottle and tossing it under Methos' pillow, he began to spread the lube as Methos took his tip into his mouth. Duncan bucked once or twice as he tried to spread the lube on his cock and balls.
"Ready yet?" Methos whined…
"Patience old man."
"Patience is a virtue for those who have no sense of time."
"Ok now…"
Methos came forward and put his full weight on Duncan. He began to slide his groin against Duncan's in earnest… Duncan grunted and groaned like the barbarian Highlander he used to be and Methos began to do the same and talked in a foreign language Duncan assumed was dead long ago.
"Duncan… Oh god…"
"I know. I want you to."
Methos stopped and grabbed the lube from his side of the bunk. He gave his mast a quick coating and a little more for Duncan. They really didn't take the time to get stretched or relax, but once Methos' head was in Duncan, it felt like home. Duncan groaned and tried to relax… Once Methos felt Duncan relax and release, he urged himself a little further, until he was at the bow. Methos found the rhythm of the water as the boat sailed on and he began to imitate it with Duncan. Duncan thought he was going to go mad. Methos went slow and it was killing him. So he began to stroke Methos' chest and flicked his nipples. Methos came forward and gave him a lover's kiss, and Duncan captured him in his arms.
Methos, surprised Duncan as he had his lips on his mouth, he suddenly picked up the pace and actually began to pump faster. As if the boat were suddenly in some race. Their grunts and groans got louder, and suddenly they began to hear other cabins, racing to their own completions.
"Oh Duncan… I'm going to come…"
"Yes Adam… Oh… Ah…"
Methos rose back up and took Duncan in his hands. He began to pump him as Duncan milked him… Suddenly like a light switch, Methos came and groaned loudly as his eyes rolled back into his head. He collapsed on Duncan. As Duncan felt Methos' warm essence fill him, he flipped his own switch and came with a roar. Neither man said the other's name, because they weren't alone. There were a couple other Adam's on the boat, and they didn't want too much confusion and problems to erupt. The Adam's Duncan said earlier he said low enough for their cabin.
When Methos finally came back from cloud nine, Duncan had cleaned him, up and had taken care of himself. Methos rolled over under the top sheet and looked at Duncan,
"And why are we going to Grenada again love?"
"You'll see…"