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Disney Series
- Santa Baby -
- Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Activity and is AU.
- Pairing: Harm - Mac.
- Characters: Most of JAG office and CIA help.
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: Definitely somewhere after Australia, possibly after Adrift. I'll have to check on that.
Location: Have to check but starts out in Falls Church, VA.
- Summary: Harm and Mac get what they most want for Christmas, and it’s not their two front
- AN: I am H/M nuts. This was my first official JAG Fiction ever done. I’m not exactly sure where all the places are, so please excuse the poetic license. Thanks to DT for the help you all gave. I am not going to use military time, it’s too damn confusing to me. Comments and Questions are welcomed, and if I don’t get any, I know where to find a Highly Sexually Frustrated and Angry Marine Ninja Girl to send to your homes.
- Father Time's Gift -
- Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Activity and is AU.
- Pairing: Harm - Mac.
- Characters: Most of JAG office and CIA help.
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: Will fill in later.
- Location: Will fill in later.
- Summary: Harm and Mac get what they most want for New Year's Eve, a good start to a new
- AN: This is a sequel to Santa Baby. I’m not exactly sure where all the places are, so please excuse the poetic license. Thanks to DT for the help you all gave. Comments and Questions are welcomed, and if I don’t get any, I know where to find a Highly Sexually Frustrated and Angry Marine Ninja Girl to send to your homes.
- To A Picture And Chapter 1
- My Big Phat JAG Wedding -
- Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Activity, Language, and is AU.
- Pairing: Harm - Mac.
- Characters: Most of JAG office and CIA help.
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: Will fill in later.
- Location: Will fill in later.
- Summary: Harm and Mac get what they most want in their wedding,
- AN: This is a sequel to Father Time's Gift. It's also a reminder not to let the people you work with plan your wedding... Unless you REALLY trust
- To A Picture And Chapter 1
- When You Wish Upon A Star -
- Rating: NC-17 for Sexual Activity, Language, and is AU.
- Pairing: Harm - Mac.
- Characters: Most of JAG office and CIA help.
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: A week and a few days before the wedding.
- Location: Falls Church, VA and Orlando, FL.
- Summary: Harm and Mac get what they most want in their lives, each
- AN: This is a sequel to My Big Phat JAG Wedding. It's also a reminder not to let the ones you love and work with kidnap you late at night the week before your wedding... You never know where you'll wake
- To Lyrics, A Picture, And Chapter 1
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