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Adam Pierson
- Adam & Beth Series - Not turning down the chance to get Duncan to
listen to his music, Adam takes a bet from Mac to see who will get a
response first. Will it be Adam or Duncan?
- Adam & Gypsy Series - A cute, wet, and concerned
Methos has recently taken on a new to the game player and student. She has been lost in a snowstorm up in the mountains. Can Adam find her before she loses her head?
- Adam & Lynda Series - Adam
comes in contact with a mysterious pre-immortal woman with a soul so lost that
it reminds him of how he used to be after he left the Four Horsemen. A
dramatic tale of romance that will sweep you off your feet.
- My Confession -
- Rating: NC-17 for AU, M/M Sex, and lots of Angst.
- Pairing: M/AP/DM
- Characters: JD - M/AP - DM - C
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: A while after Not To Be.
- Location: Seacouver, WA.
- Summary: Can Methos save what he has left of his relationship with
Duncan after another Immortal close to him is killed?
- Author's Note: This is from my wacky brain. All mistakes are mine. The title is also a song of the same title by
Josh Groban. Thanks to Josh for singing the song so beautifully. Thanks
to Tray for inspiring me, my girls, you know who you are, for nudging me
deeper into slash fiction when I need a break from het fiction..
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