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- Confusion -
- Rating: NC-17 for Suicide, Violence, Het, AU, and lots of Angst.
Pairing: Adam Pierson - OFC
Characters: JD - AP/M - DM
Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
Time: A while after Not To Be.
Location: Seacouver, BC, Canada.
Summary: Just what would the World's Oldest Man do when faced with a pre-Immortal soul more desperately lost than his? A suicidal woman he meets changes him in a strange way. Will he try to save her or let her die?
Author's Note: This is from my wacky brain. The title is also a song of the
same title by Electric Light Orchestra. Thanks to my girls, you know who you are, for reading this and became hopelessly hooked.
- Don't Walk Away -
- Rating: PG-13 Describing of medical treatments/Angst
- Pairing: Adam Pierson - OFC
- Characters: JD - AP/M
- Feedback: Yes, please go to Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: A while after Not To Be.
- Location: Winter Harbour, BC, Canada.
- Summary: Sequel to Confusion. Now that it's over between Miss Lynda Maxwell... Will the World's Oldest Man let her go without a fight?
- Author's Note: Dr. Julian Fremont appears via permission of Diana Williams.
The title is also a song of the same title by Electric Light Orchestra. Enjoy.
- Then You Look At Me -
- Rating: NC- 17 for Sexual Content
Pairing: Adam Pierson - OFC
Characters: JD, DM, A, C, and NW.
Feedback: Yes, please go to Feedback Forum on the site.
Time: A while after Not To Be.
Location: Seacouver BC, Canada.
Summary: Sequel to Don't Walk Away. Now that it's getting close to the wedding, will the World's Oldest Man have second thoughts at the last minute?
- Author's Note: This was first a Celine Dion song before it became a
wonderful part of this story. You will need drool buckets and tissues... Enjoy.
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