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Somehow Lynda got Akamu back to Joe's, he was more interested in chasing away strange birds. They lucked out and the door was unlocked this time... Lynda opened the door and Akamu went in. She followed after, pulling out the burnt card from her left front pocket, held it in her hand, and the leash in her right.
"Ma'am, we're closed," she heard a man say from behind the counter.
"Can you please help me? I am looking for a… Joseph P. Dawson."
Joe looks up when he hears his name called, he picked up his cane, and walked from his office to the bar.
"I'm Joe Dawson. What can I help you with Miss…" he said hoping she will drop her name.
"I need to ask you a few questions about Adam Pierson."
"Maybe I can give you a few answers. Come with me," Joe said as he directed her into his office.
"You are a good friend of Adam's right," she asked calmly.
"Yes, I guess I am. Can I get you something to drink?"
"No, no thank you. Did he ever mention a woman named Emerald Montgomery to you?" Joe poured a drink from a bottle on his desk.
"No, why?" He lied, trying to find out what this was all concerning.
"I found this in my backyard and I believe he killed her. She was my best friend you know," she said, showed Joe the burnt and partially melted card.
Joe saw the card and figured it must have melted during the quickening. Adam would not have been so stupid to leave something like this on the ground, unless he had left in a hurry. This woman had called Emerald Montgomery her best friend; she must be Lynda Maxwell. He didn't know what to say; he couldn't betray Methos. Lynda watched Joe like a hawk for any signs that her theory was true.
"I can't say he did kill her, because I don't know. That could have been in a fire," he said handing back the card to her.
Lynda figures out Joe's feeble answer to be an attempt to protect Adam.
"It's ok. I think I'll have a shot of whiskey and I'll be on my way." Joe delivered the drink and continued to towel off the glasses on the counter.
Akamu barked and Lynda picked him up, cradling him under her arm.
"This here is Akamu. Now say hi to Mr. Dawson," Little Akamu barked and Lynda downed the drink, "Now say good bye. Good bye Mr. Dawson, you have been most helpful."
Little Akamu barked again at Joe and then the two left. Whether Joe had said it or not, Lynda knew Adam was involved in Emerald's death, she just didn't know how.
Joe cussed a few times and called Adam at home.
"Pierson, you have got yourself in one hell of a fix. I warned you to be careful."
"What now Joe."
"Miss Maxwell was just here with a small dog, asking questions about Emerald Montgomery's death. She had evidence with her."
"What? What evidence," Adam said as he slipped his hand to his forehead.
"She had a damaged gas card of yours she found in her back yard. It had to have slipped out during combat. I didn't tell her you did or didn't do it, but she had her mind made up you did it when she left. I could tell."
"That's not enough evidence Joe."
"You try telling her that and see if she believes you. I am going to assign a new watcher to her if you can't be more careful."
"Anyway, thanks for the heads' up. I guess I have a little mess to clean up. Joe, I just need more time."
"Fine, you owe me..." Joe said before he hung up.
Adam didn't believe that Dawson would have intentionally screwed him over, but he remembered that Dawson did that thing with his face when he lied. If he could see through it, Lynda possibly did too. Adam got on the road after Joe's call, he couldn't waste any time, this matter had to be resolved right away. He wondered if Lynda would still be speaking to him now that she put the puzzle together.
Lynda went back to the motel and took a little nap. Then she got up, grabbed her recently purchased suitcase, grabbed Akamu, checked out, and picked up some dinner for the both of them on the way to the docks to meet old Mrs. Sanford, who once again drove her boat like a speed demon.
A while later, when Lynda got home and got ready for bed, she found she couldn't. Then she decided to go for a walk on the beach. She bundled up Akamu and herself. She carried Akamu down the staircase then let little Akamu loose to go run. She was glad she brought her long coat, because of the chill in the air. Akamu looked cute with his little doggie coat and booties. Lynda felt betrayed, she had trusted Adam when he delivered Emerald's sword. He lied to her; she tried desperately to believe that he didn't want her head as well. Lynda remembered Emerald telling her about another personality she had created. She wondered if Emerald maybe blacked out and the other personality had challenged Adam. She couldn't be as mad at him then, but still he did kill Emerald then lied to her about it.
The moon was bright and it lightened the sand so that Lynda can see where she was going. Unexpectedly, Lynda felt another presence behind her. For once she was glad she had protection. She drew her sword on instinct and for defense. Enter Sakura Shimoide, immortal.
"Sakura Shimoide," he said bowing with his sword, "And you are?"
Lynda tried her best to size up her opponent like Emerald has taught her. This Sakura was quite good looking and 5'9. He was very thin for a man of his size, to some that might mean he was a weak fighter. Lynda chose not the way of others, figuring it to be lean toned muscle. He carried a weapon worthy of a warrior. He looked very oriental, perhaps raised up in Japanese martial arts. He was not the kind of opponent she should have for her first fight, but she decided she had to start fighting to defend her head sometime. She said a silent prayer to whatever gods and or goddesses listening, for them to give her strength and endurance on her side, in the end, to give her victory.
Little Akamu came running to Lynda because he sensed she was in danger.
Lynda ordered him to go home, she knew he could find his way. She then placed herself on guard.
"You don't need my name," she taunted.
He tipped her blade off then moved to strike her blade, and she carefully blocked herself. He went for her hips and she fought back scoring a hit on his left shoulder. Being ambidextrous, his right sword arm still intact, he went for her head. Sliced left and right, she blocked herself, and scored a few more times. She tried her best to get at his neck but he kept it well protected as well. He cleverly chose a move she did not know how to defend. Lynda chose a wrong move and took a couple of hits in both of her upper thighs. She was down on both knees bleeding, and she didn't want to give up just yet.
She heard Emerald's voice cry out again to her from a flashback to their last sparring session.
* Fight on for I will be with you in your mind. You will hear my voice, teaching and guiding you... * Lynda remembered, gathered the strength to fight him.
Lynda felt like she could to anything, the gods and goddesses were on her side, she felt invincible. She carefully tried to stand, using her sword as a balance. Then she swung around and she struck him in the back, like Emerald had showed her how to do in a drawing, severing his spinal cord in the middle of his back. He fell like a limp rag, without wasting a minute longer, Lynda cut his head off. She felt the blade cut through it all and she felt grossed out at the sensation. She tried to get away from the scene, but she didn't get far because of her damaged legs. The sky became stormy and the first bolt of lightening from Sakura's quickening hit her.
It burned through her; it felt like it made every nerve in her body surge with power. It was excruciatingly painful and yet she craved more. It gave her a hunger like she had never felt before. Lynda screamed out at the top of her lungs, she felt every hair on her head, like they were all frying at once. Strike after strike happened until she could take no more.
Then suddenly the lightening stopped. Lynda was out of breath and her torso just fell to the sand. She rested for a moment and gathered up her sword and Sakura's. Moving unsteadily along the beach, Lynda tried to make it home. At times she fell and winced at the pain when she fell on her wounds. Even though she had lost a lot of blood, she did make it to the beach access staircase. It was better she came up from the beach than on the main road. Lynda knew someone would eventually find the body and she hoped when that day came she could be able to say she hadn't heard or seen anything.
Adam saw the lightening show about 10 minutes away from his destination. He put his foot to the floor, sped as fast as he could to get to Lynda's place. Then, of all things that could have possibly happened, he got pulled over. He knew it had to be for speeding. The ticketing process took about 10 minutes. He drove carefully until the cop disappeared, then sped the rest of the way to Lynda's place. Adam pulled up to he mailbox, and ran as fast as his lungs would allow, up to her place just after the lightening show ended. It was close to midnight as he let himself in; he didn't feel Lynda's presence.
Akamu came through the doggie door on the back door and barked at Adam. Akamu got him to follow him outside but Adam didn't see anything.
He picked up Akamu, took him into the kitchen, and fed him. Adam figured Lynda must have gone out to exercise. Adam didn't know what to do, he felt like a caged animal. Should he rush down to find out who it was and possibly get into a challenge, or just wait? He went into the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and took a long pull from the bottle. He gets on his cell to Joe.
"Joe, I'm sorry, and I know it's late, but I need a clean up on aisle three."
"Get a clean up crew out to Winter Harbour. There was a fight on the beach."
"Is Lynda Maxwell…"
"Not sure, I'm about to check."
"Fine, I'll take care if it."
Suddenly, Adam felt Lynda's weak presence as he hung up the phone. He went and checked her room like he used to do. She was not in her room. He went back to the kitchen and Akamu had gone through the doggie door to rush to meet Lynda in the back yard. From one of the kitchen windows, Adam saw Lynda as she came closer to the cabin. It was as if she hadn't noticed Akamu at all. Lynda came through the sliding glass doors. She was bloody and her hair was caked in sand and more blood. Lynda's eyes were glazed over and far away. She had an unbelievable look of pure terror on her face.
"Lynda… Lynda," he called rushing to her side…
She did not respond; she just stood there looking at nothing, staring out into space, like her eyes are focused on a light beyond Adam's head Lynda had no voice of which to speak with. She turned away and headed up to her room.
"Lynda, what happened," he asked in a calmer manner, after following Lynda up to her room.
"I... I... I did it. I killed... An Immortal," she said with her back to him with her hand still on the bedroom doorknob.
"Go get cleaned up and we can talk afterwards," he said gently.
Lynda disappeared into her bathroom. She waited a few minutes for her healing to finish before she carefully started stripping down. She climbed into the shower and turned on the hot water. Lynda shivered a little as cold water came through the shower massager. Then the hot water kicked in. She turned on the cold water to make the water just right. Lynda liked it just warm enough but not so hot that it burned her skin. She rinsed off the blood off her body. She found the soap and her shower poufie. Lynda lathered up her body, almost scrubbing the life out of her skin, like she was trying to get rid of a disease. She stopped scrubbing when she saw it hat turned raw and red. Lynda broke down and cried right there. What kind of a life had she given herself? She remembered Adam's words.
"You are just like me, immortal. You cannot die like a mortal anymore."
Lynda's tears mixed with the water and slipped down her face. She rinsed off and washed her hair. She even took the time to let the conditioner to soak in before she rinsed it out. Lynda turned off the water, dried herself off, dressed in her robe, and combed out her hair. She felt very refreshed and relaxed, most of all she was clean. No more smell of blood on her body. She dumped her clothing into the wastebasket, making a mental note to go shopping next week. Lynda came out of her bedroom as Adam found some soft music for the stereo.
Adam went off to the kitchen to prepare something for dinner. He'd been over to MacLeod's enough to eat, he just had to try and remember some of the food he had prepared. Adam grabbed an apron and remembered one a recipe off the television he caught once. He called it Tuna Surprise a la Adam. All he had to do was find some tuna and macaroni & cheese. He went to work preparing the pasta. Adam drained the tuna to go into the macaroni & cheese. He mixed in the tuna and covered up dinner to keep it warm. He set the dining room table and opened a bottle of red wine he found in the fridge. He poured two glasses and headed for the living room. Adam hit play and as she came down the stairs, he was waiting at the base of the stairs with a glass of red wine. He handed it over; she gulped it down, and put the glass of the table near her plate.
"Take it easy."
"What are you, my alcohol monitor now," she bitterly threw at him.
"Maybe, if you are going to drink like that."
"Maybe I needed a big drink like that."
"I made some dinner if you are hungry. It's waiting in the kitchen."
"I am a little hungry. I didn't eat much for lunch."
The two of them went into the kitchen and Adam served up his Tuna Surprise a la Adam. He quickly served up some green beans and grabbed a bag of rolls from the fridge. Dinner went rather quietly, Adam didn't want to push Lynda about the battle. Lynda polished off another two full glasses of wine with dinner and felt a little tipsy but she wasn't going to let Adam see. Adam knew she was drunk watching all the tell tale signs. Lynda managed to get up and offered to clean up the table. Adam decided it was time for Lynda to go off to bed before she hurt herself by standing any longer.
"Stay here, I'll be right back," Adam said putting Lynda into a chair.
He went up to Lynda's room and turned down Lynda's bed. He went back into the kitchen and rounded up Lynda who by now was like putty on his hands. Adam marched her into her bathroom and ordered her to brush her teeth. She mock saluted him and obeyed. Adam waited for her on a corner of her bed looking at pictures upon Lynda's dresser. He saw a few of Lynda and Emerald, and some other woman with long hair, together in different places, sometimes the weather not so good in a few of them. Adam noticed that there were no pictures of her family.
He caught sight of another drawing of him. Adam stood to get a better look. He crossed over and saw that it was a drawing of him chasing after Akamu, who was chasing a cat. Adam mused on the day he bought that little dog, and it brought back the memory of the day he got soaked walking the damn dog. Lynda couldn't help but laugh when she saw him. He was glad that he had made her laugh, just not at his expense. Adam thought about taking the drawing, but it was highly likely Lynda would notice sometime that it was missing. Adam had to try to put her to bed and get her to sleep. He knew exactly what Lynda would be going through in the next few hours. The disbursement of the raw quickening energy, with Lynda being drunk, he did not want to take advantage of her. They both would regret it in the morning. He was not in the mood for an all night romp though the bedroom, but it would not be all that hard to get him in the mood. He decided that the best option for Lynda would be to sleep before she did something she might regret.
*Like kissing me tonight, I don't know if she would be able handle what could happen. Just from those kisses, but she's a woman. She should be able to. * Adam was trying to rationalize everything while he could still think clearly.
Adam wondered if Lynda was going to ask him about the gas card or Emerald's murder.
* Just take it easy old boy, follow her lead. Don't admit to anything! *
Lynda was getting a little dolled up, spraying on her favorite perfumes in all the right spots. She brushed her now almost dry hair out again. She loosened her robe sash just a little. She looked at the woman in the mirror and something had changed in her. Something had snapped in her and for once in a long time, Lynda actually felt wild and spontaneous. She wondered if Adam would actually go through with it and sleep with her. Lynda tried to make up her mind, no she was going to make him sleep with her and never look back. Her hunger for him grew by the second. She brushed her teeth and used her favorite mouthwash.
* Perfect, now all I have to do is lay him down and work my magic. * Lynda told herself that this was going to be easy if she could only plaster him to the bed under her body.
She opened the bathroom door and found Adam waiting for her on her bed.
Adam stood and pulled open the sheet for her.
"Bedtime, doctor's orders."
"Would the doctor mind a good night kiss first?"
At a safe distance apart, Adam bent forward and placed a soft kiss upon her forehead. Suddenly, Lynda trapped his lips in hers as he had been trying to break away. She pulled him closer to her by his belt. Her kiss passionate and demanding, Adam tried to break away. Lynda let him go and they were both panting. He looked into her eyes and saw a tigress toying with her prey. She was obviously sending clear signals to his body. Adam was torn on whether to give in or stick to his guns.
* What is this? Bloody hell, I'm getting a conscious! * Adam thought.
On the one hand he hadn't had any female company since Emerald and he went out. On the other hand Lynda was here and wanting him. He didn't want any regrets but he knew they would come. Adam reached out, drawing her close with his hands placed in her hair. He gently caressed her smooth and soft cheeks with his thumbs.
"Are you sure you want this," Adam asked now, not wanting her to change her mind.
"Yes, oh yes," Lynda answered, making herself very clear.
Adam pressed his lips to hers, both giving into each other's desire. She wrapped her arms around his waist, his wrapped around her shoulders, and then they slipped lower. He found the sash on her robe and released the lose knot. Lynda caressed his thighs and stopped to cup his firm buttocks. All the way, she stepped backwards, luring and guiding Adam closer to the bed. His hands softly caressed her neck, rubbing gently on her light skin, and pushing the collar of the robe open and sensuously over her shoulders with ease. Adam started to nip and kiss at Lynda's neck, leaving trails of wetness for him to blow his warm breath upon. She began to feel like butter, melting every time his lips touched her sensitive skin. His touch fire, warm and smooth, burning her skin as he caresses her arms. The robe fell to the floor like a feather as Lynda let her arms hang. Now she was bare and in Adam's sights, he stopped to look at her. A smile a mile wide appeared upon his beautiful face.
* God she's exquisite. * Adam thought as he captured her into his arms and whispered in her ear…
"You are so beautiful."
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