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Adam headed to the video store to take back the movie, and then went home. Stopping in at home a few minutes, he turned on his computer and found the translated files. He opened it and signed onto the Internet. Adam opened the watcher database and found his personal file even though he never kept anything personal in it. He opened his watcher email account and he attached the translated document onto an email, and typed in his email address, apierson5k@watch.com. Then Joe's address, macdaddyjdawson@watch.com, and then sent it to Joe's computer. He signed out and closed down. He headed over to Joe's for a cold one, a chat over the email he sent, and arrange a watcher for Miss Maxwell.
Lynda was getting a real headache; all the information Adam just told her was just too much for her to think about, so she decided to take a nap. She had trouble sleeping, voices calling out to her, chanting.
"You can't have children. You cannot die. There are others like you. Evil and good immortals out there, all out to kill each other. All out to kill you," the voices chanted.
At the chanting of, 'All out to kill you,' Lynda woke up.
Lynda calmed down and laid there in her bed, wondered about just how many immortals were out there all over the planet.
* Do immortals just kill each other or do they kill other people too? Do other immortals look normal like Adam and I or do they have a handicap or a deformity? Are some retarded or are they geniuses? * She wondered.
She remembered Adam mentioned something about swords.
* Why would someone come after me with a sword? Carrying a concealed weapon is illegal. Will I have to carry a sword too? And what was that about going to a church or cemetery? What kind of church or cemetery? Was I supposed to find some place to hide? Am I going to be the only fat immortal, an easy target? How long have immortals been around? If I have to get a sword, then what kind do I need to get? Since I died as a virgin, does this mean that I am a virgin for eternity? Am I the only immortal Virgin? *
Lynda realized this was going to be a rough road for her. Some part of her wished that if she just went back to sleep that everything that had gone on was just a dream. It was already turning into one big nightmare.
Sleep was just something that was just not going to come to Lynda. She tried in vain to get rest on her sofa, but she couldn't. Instead, she took off the soiled sheets and flipped her mattress over. Lynda changed her sheets and made her bed. She put the floor rugs from the bathroom over the other bloodstains in the carpet and sprayed some room freshener. Then suddenly, Lynda became obsessed with cleaning about every inch of her apartment, like an obsessive compulsive cleaner would. The place was just about immaculate when she finished. Lynda then tried to go back to sleep. Her mind drifted off to sleep, finally…
Adam pulled up to Joe's and lucked out, his favorite parking spot was open. Now normally, Joe's was not open on Sundays for business, but he wanted to restock for Monday and get set a day ahead. Joe was behind the bar as Adam came in craving a beer.
"Hey Adam," Joe said, while he got his friend his favorite drink.
"Hello Joe. If you will check your email today I emailed you the first five translated chapters of book one," Adam said putting his bum on a stool at the bar after hanging up his trench coat by the door. He took a drink of his favorite flavor, beer.
"I haven't checked it yet but I will later, thanks," Joe said, "I'm sure it will make an interesting reading before bed."
"Don't count on it. Listen, I need some help, preferably of the watcher kind."
"Lynda Maxwell."
"She crossed over a little while ago."
"Her file is in the back, come with me," Adam followed Joe into his office and took a seat on a stack of pallets.
"Just on a hunch I did some checking, Adam. She has a strange file. I'm not so sure you should've gotten involved."
"Joe, we've been through this before," Adam said, both remembering the day when Joe didn't want to pass on Alexa Bond's home address, "It's too late anyway. I am already involved deeper than I should be."
"Well, we couldn't past the age of 18 when she supposedly died from a car accident. I think her records have either been sealed or destroyed. All we discovered was a Swiss bank account and a bank account here in Seacouver."
"A little odd, but not out of the ordinary. It probably means she is well connected."
"The rest is not pretty either. She was adopted as a baby and raised in an abusive family where alcoholism was a problem. They were emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically abusive to each other as well as her."
"Having been with her for a while I can see effects from that life. Listen Joe, she's going to need a watcher, and I don't want someone sloppy."
"I hear ya. I would like to put Kelley on the case. She is one of our best. She's been in research and wants to get back out on the field since her time off for maternity leave."
"Fine by me. Lynda mentioned something about a friend named Emerald. Could you see what you can find on her?"
"Not sure yet. Lynda may try to contact her about her immortality and I want to do some damage control. I remember I read something in the paper about an Emerald… Emerald… Emerald Montgomery, that's it."
"Will do," Joe said as he shut the file and put it inside his file cabinet and relocked it.
"Well, I've got to go see a man about a dog. Later Joe."
"See ya."
Adam arrived at the local pet store. He picked up a little dog, a male, white with chocolate brown spots, Jack Russell terrier. It had a spot on its back and one around his right eye. He seemed to take a liking to Adam right away. He purchased the dog and all the supplies a dog might need, including a leash. Adam figured if he could get Lynda to take care of another being beside her, he could concentrate on her care, a perfect sort of distraction. Adam took him home and let him lay on its new dog bed. He was going to have to explain and communicate the rest of the rules of the game to this new player, Lynda. This was not going to be easy by any means. He considered taking her out to dinner, but some of this she might get upset over, and he didn't want to ruin the evening. He did not know if she was the type to cause a scene in a restaurant. Adam got on his laptop and did a little research on the net. He found a number for a Mrs. Montgomery.
Joe called to let Adam know that Emerald Montgomery was immortal. Adam thought there might be something good for Lynda. She could help her deal with all the information on a personal level that he was not reaching. He took a wild stab and called the number he found. Ready with a disguise in case he needed one, someone picked up the other end of the line.
"Hello is this Mrs. Emerald Montgomery," he asked.
"Yes. Who are you?"
"My name is Adam Pierson and I am handling Miss Lynda Maxwell's care. I was wondering if I could get you to come and stay with her for a couple of days."
"Is there something wrong? Is she ok?"
* Well she's ok in the Immortal and alive sense. *
"I'm going to try a new therapy and I might need your help. She's no longer mortal and she's not coming to terms with her new life."
There is a pause and Adam wonders if she's still on the other end of the line.
"How do you know about Immortals," she asked in a cool, calm, but semi angry voice.
"I can't tell you, but let's just say I have an inside track.
"Don't you dare touch a hair on her head… I'll be there as soon as I can, Mr. Pierson."
"I do not intend to hurt her. I'm sure with your help, she'll get through this time of transition easier."
"Bye now."
Part two of his plan sprang into action, his first being the dog. He went into his bedroom, put his best black tuxedo bow tie on the dog, and put him on the leash. He really was a cute little devil. Adam picked up a little Chinese take out from Woo Woo Chang's on the way to Lynda's place. Adam pulled up to the apartment building. Something wasn't right; he felt a weak signal as he crossed the street. He knocked on the door and no answer. He thought he smelled blood but he wasn't sure. The pup began to bark and scratch at the door because he could smell blood. Adam does not like twice-heated Chinese food but he'd eat it. He knocked on the door again. The dog began to pace and worry. Adam pulled a pick out of his pocket and opened the door. He put the food on the counter in the kitchen, closed the door, and called out for her. He tied the puppy up to a drawer handle in the kitchen and headed for the bedroom.
Lynda was lying on the bed, her clothing drenched in blood. The bowie knife was still in her stomach.
* Oh god, not again. Why am I always cleaning up the messes? First MacLeod, then Joe, and now you. * Adam thought as he leaned against the doorframe.
Adam pulled the blade from her body and cradled her head in his lap.
* She must have done this more than once, with the sad shape of her clothing. * He thought as he waited for her to revive.
He noticed she clutched in her hand a partially bloodstained envelope. He pried it out of her hand and noticed that it was addressed to him. Adam carefully opened it and removed the letter. He read her note with sorrowful eyes, a suicide note slash will slash goodbye letter. He sadly realized that she was still killing herself because she does not want to face her immortality. He tossed the letter into the trash bin knowing she did not need it any more and he would not collect on it.
Lynda came back with a gasp of air. She opened her eyes and realized she was looking up into Adam's nose. She closed them again and opened them again this time looking into his face. Adam didn't say anything, opting to listen.
"It's really true. I am in hell. I can't really die and I can't really live."
Adam knew the only way she could die but he opted not to tell her just yet, because he doesn't want her going out and getting killed or trying to take her own head. She seemed like a nice person deep down in her lost soul, he just needed time to work on her. Like a can of beer, you shake it and try to open it; you're going to get sprayed on. Right now, Adam is trying to handle a shaken can of beer and he's trying to open her up. He can't figure out how to settle her first, but this killing of herself had to stop.
"Lynda, we need to talk, but first we need to clean up your room."
Adam helped Lynda up and into the bathroom. He turned on her shower and let it get warm.
"I want you to take a shower and I will get rid of the clothes while you are in there. I promise not to look," he said as he withdrew from the room.
Lynda didn't know what to think. Here was this man willing to take care of her and she didn't know why. Her nature told her to be cautious, that he might want something in return. All he had ever tried to do was take care of her. She felt skittish like a scared cat. Lynda did as told, stripped down, and climbed into the frosted glass panel shower.
Adam knocked and came in to gather her bloody clothing. He could barely see as he grabbed everything and put a towel on the wall hook near the shower for her. After disposing of the clothing, Adam changed her sheets. He began to wonder how long her shower might be. He set the table and realized the dog might be hungry too. So he unpacked his Cherokee and brought up the supplies.
Lynda finished her shower and toweled off. She combed out her long black hair and let it air dry, air-drying made her hair curl into ringlets and waves. She dressed in an old pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt, sans a bra. Her breasts hung like two perfect cantaloupes.
"Nope, no sagging here girls," Lynda said as she looked herself in the mirror. Suddenly she smelled good food and followed the scent.
"Is this your dog, he is too cute," Lynda said bending down to pet him.
"No. He's yours."
"Mine? What for," she guardedly asked of his intentions.
"I thought you needed a pet, I saw him in the window and I said, 'Now there's Lynda's dog,' and I had to get him for you."
"I really am more of a cat person than a dog lover, but I think this one is going to win me over. Thank you, Adam,"
"Your welcome. I bought dinner and reheated it a little. Afterwards we can go take him out for a walk."
"It's supposed to rain tonight."
"No, it's not. The skies are clear."
"Adam, just trust me. I have a thing about these things," Lynda said as she picked up the dog and cradled him in her arms.
"I'll take out the dog later."
"Fine, don't believe me. Have you named the dog yet?"
"No, I thought you should have the honor."
"Would you mind if I named him after you?"
"Why should I, he is your dog," Adam sat down at the table and picked up a fork and shoveled out a little fried rice onto his plate.
"Ok. Hmmm, how about Ko'u 'ilio Akamu. He will be lalama and ki`u maka."
Adam took notice at the name but he did not recognize the language easily. He gazed into her face with a question, she understood what he wanted and let the pup down so he could drink some water.
"I just said, my dog Adam. He will be daring, fearless, clever, and the apple of my eye in Hawaiian."
"Interesting choice of language," Adam laughed a little.
She was turning the dog into him! At least now she could keep them separate. Lynda passed the sweet and sour chicken and they had a very amiable sit down Chinese dinner. This time Lynda ate until she was over stuffed. She stood up, took her dish, and his to the sink, rinsing them off. She stuck them in the dishwasher and lead Akamu by the leash to the living room.
As Adam cleaned up the empty Chinese food boxes he mused that her attitude had picked up some for the better since he gave her the dog. He came over and sat down on the other end of the sofa with the dog. He sure picked a playful one.
"I suppose I should go and take him out for a walk," Adam said.
"Listen, I'll go out with you and walk the dog as long as we take out jackets and an umbrella. I'll be right back."
"Lynda, it's not going to rain."
Lynda left Adam with the dog, went into the bedroom, and put on her thick coat to keep her warm. She slipped on socks and an old pair of walking shoes.
"Sure, let me grab my coat," Adam grabbed his coat carefully so that the sword would stay hidden.
She grabbed a huge golfer's umbrella from the stand near the door and took the leash from Adam. They started to walk along the street and Lynda opened the umbrella, just in case. Adam took the leash back while she buttoned up her jacket. Akamu for being little sure didn't take his time walking slow once he saw a cat and had to chase it. Poor Adam went with the leash and the dog. Lynda stayed behind taking a leisurely stroll. She lost sight of Adam, not wanting to walk far she turned and headed back up the street. She made it back indoors, took off her jacket, and put the umbrella away. Lynda wondered where that little dog had dragged Adam off.
As per her word, Adam was two blocks away and it started pouring, in buckets, like a little black cloud followed him on purpose. He finally had to put on the breaks and yanked the dog back slightly. He stopped chase but barked as the cat ran for cover. He picked up the dog, put him inside his coat, and walked back to Lynda's in the rain. Poor Adam came back into Lynda's place drenched and dripping all over her wood flooring in the living room. He had this sad look on his face.
Lynda bust out laughing, she couldn't help it. Akamu was put on the floor and he wriggled all the excess water off himself.
"Oh yeah, real funny," Adam snapped back.
"Oh Adam I," she gave him fair warning, continued to laugh.
"Don't say it, I know. I told you so…"
"Come on, come with me. Let's get you into my bathroom and you can take a shower while your clothing dries."
He let her drag him off into the bathroom. She pulled out some extra towels from the linen closet and a robe from her closet. It was a plain cobalt blue robe, no frills or funky designs.
"Please leave me my coat and you can have my other clothing," he said stripping off his coat.
She thought it was a strange request but she thought he might be modest, "Fine, just hang it over the shower rod when you finish."
Lynda left towels and closed the door behind her. She grabbed an extra towel out of the cabinet and went looking for the dog. She sat down on the sofa and captured the dog in the towel. Lynda took off the leash and began to rub the dog dry.
"That cat must have been scared of you... Tough guy," Akamu barked once and yawned in a dog sort of answer.
"There all done silly puppy," she said and released him.
Akamu jumped up on her bed and rolled over on his side laid his head on her pillow. Lynda went back in the bedroom and listened at the door. She heard the shower running and she knocked on the door.
"Adam, are you in the shower."
"Yeah, coast is clear," he answered.
Lynda came in, took the wet clothing out of the sink, and into the laundry basket. She took them into the kitchen and wrung them out. She grabbed her detergent and headed to the laundry room downstairs. Lynda emptied his pockets, finding a little change and some keys. She put the clothing in the washer, pushed all the right buttons, and started it. Gathering up the contents of his pockets, she headed back up to her place. Lynda put his things in a zip lock baggy for him for later. She didn't want to be accused of stealing from him.
In the shower, Adam came to notice she had no washcloths...
* Oh great, she's got a shower poufie! I hate these damn things! * Adam put in a little shower gel and started his shower anyway.
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