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Adam went anyway, he figured he could relax and figure out what to do with Lynda while he was away. Right now Lynda's case was out of his hands since her watcher was coming in. Having a good time in Bora Bora was just what he needed.
* Rest and regroup. * Adam thought as he took his leather covered first class seat.
In Bora Bora, Adam half-heartedly wished MacLeod, and Joe could see what he saw. Women everywhere… Some dressed and some… All very, very single.
Back in Seacouver, Joe was in a bind because Lynda had disappeared before her watcher could get to her new assignment. Kelley and Joe were trying to find her any way possible. He didn't want to have to call Adam in to find her.
Meanwhile in Winter Harbour, Lynda went back into town to her motel room and got her luggage. The trip was much faster by ATV. Then she went back into the general mercantile store, at the docks where she had first stopped in, and loaded up on food, gasoline, fueling, and other supplies, enough for two months. When she returned to the cabin she disbursed the supplies into two piles, stuff for indoors and stuff for outdoors. Lynda stored all the food, fueling, and other supplies in the cabin. She took care of the gasoline in the shed in the storage tanks. She made sure all the windows were secured and the curtains drawn to keep some heat in the cabin. It was chilly, snow still on the ground, and it started to become foggy. Lynda pulled out some wood from the pine box, started a nice warm fire.
Akamu had been following Lynda around and then once she made the fire he circled and then parked in front of the fireplace on the rug and headed into a puppy nap…
Lynda kept on course and unpacked her big suitcase upstairs in her room, putting her clothing in the small closet. Then she came back downstairs, pulled the cloth tarps off the furniture, and took a seat on the love seat in front of the fireplace. Lynda felt nicely settled in at the cabin.
At Joe's, Joe finally concluded, reluctantly that he had to call Adam on his cell phone. Kelley decided to head out on the road with their last lead that she was somewhere in BC and had taken a cab to the bus station.
In Bora Bora, Adam's cell phone rang while he was getting a massage in his on the water hut bedroom. The caller ID says it is Joe's Bar and he debated whether to pick it up. Adam hoped it was not bad news as he opened the line.
"Dawson, why are you calling me? I'm on vacation."
"Well hello to you too. Listen, we have a problem. Lynda left in a hurry, just after you left town. Kelley was not able to make it to Lynda's apartment to start watching."
Adam covered the ends of the phone so he could scream, 'Bloody Hell.' He took a minute before went back to Joe.
"Say no more. I'm coming home, but you owe me."
"When do I ever not owe you, Adam?"
"I've got to pack. I will call when I get back in town. Bye."
"You do that, bye."
Adam hung up the phone, paid his favorite masseuse who he called, Goddess, and started to pack.
* Can't they ever do anything right? Adam Pierson to the rescue once again! What ever happened to just surviving on your own? * He thought as he packed and booked his flight home.
Adam did as he said and called when he got in to his apartment a couple of days later. He downed a beer while Joe told him they had no leads yet. He went over to Lynda's apartment and used his pick to get in. Everything looked normal until he noticed most of her entertainment center was gone. Her refrigerator was empty and she was beginning to scare the old man. He looked in the bedroom, the bed made, her closet empty. Even the bathroom… Empty. Everything including towels to toilet paper, and the shower poufie, are gone. Adam turned to leave and he saw a slip of paper on the dresser. He picked it up and read all three words.
"Dear Adam, I…" It was clearly unfinished. He folded the note, stuck it in his pocket, and headed to Joe's.
He hoped the Watcher had better if not great news.
"Joe, what's the word? Anything," Adam asked coming in the door.
"No, not yet. I just don't understand what could have spooked her or why she keeps running so abruptly."
"I think I may know at least what spooked her," Adam said as Joe got them both a beer.
"Well," Joe asked as he headed for a table.
"She found my sword. I had it hidden in her closet. I did not want to scare her with it since I hadn't gotten to completely explain about it yet. It seems that it has produced the opposite effect. I did not plan on her running away."
"You shouldn't have run away yourself, Adam. To Bora Bora, for Christ's sake. You knew this was a delicate situation."
"How in the hell did you know I was there?"
"Where else do you usually run to when it's cold?"
"I thought Kelley would arrive in time. So sue me, I thought everything would fall into place."
"Yeah well sometimes it isn't such a good thing to run off like you do. Sometimes it makes the situation worse."
"Well excuse me for living Joe. I needed a vacation someplace warmer."
"Some of the rest of us wouldn't mind one either Adam. So, did you find anything out at Lynda's place?"
"Not really other than it is almost bare. I tell you the woman does not pack light. She left an unfinished note."
"What did it say?"
"Three words. Dear, Adam, the letter I, and three periods."
Joe's cell phone rang with the caller ID signal of Huckleberry. Joe picked it up knowing it was watcher business. It was a call letting him know that through the grace of an act of god Kelley found Lynda's trail. She headed out to Winter Harbour. Joe hung up and slipped the phone back on his belt clip.
"Kelley picked up Lynda's trail in Winter Harbour. She is headed out there soon."
"Damn, that's pretty far from here. I wonder what is so special out there. She is going to a lot of trouble to go unobserved."
Adam didn't understand why she ran other than her finding his sword. It must have terrified her. When he finally got to her he'd have to explain the rest of the game to her and fast.
"I'm going to go out there and make sure Kelley is set up ok."
"I'll see you around. Oh and don't do anything stupid."
"I'll try not to."
Adam took his Cherokee and gassed up before heading to the Northwest. He ended up motel Lynda had stayed. He met up with Kelley in the game room as Adam Pierson, said that Joe had sent him to help, temporarily. She was having fun with a pinball machine.
"People around here said a woman recently moved back into the old Taylor place. It's up in the trees near the cliffs. They said she had a little dog with her. She owns the Taylor property up there."
"It sounds like her," Adam said.
"You want to come up with me. It's a three-day hike up there from what I hear or a snowmobile is a little faster. I could get in close and start watching. We'll have equipment to hear each other. I'll do most of the talking, since it's my assignment."
"Away we go then," Adam said.
Kelley and he went to her room to get the sound equipment. Both of them were already dressed warmly. Once inside the room, Kelley pinned Adam up against the wall and she out of the blue, kissed him passionately, and then backed off.
"What was that for," Adam said half out of breath.
"Thank you for agreeing to let me be on this case. I really appreciate it, I've wanted to do that for a long time, since after we split and I decided to get married and have a family."
"Anytime, just give me a little warning first," Adam said as he rubbed one of his ribs.
Mrs. Emerald Montgomery arrived in Seacouver and checked into a motel. In the morning she would find Lynda's apartment. Emerald was an old college friend of Lynda's and a fellow government hacker. Emerald had been an Immortal for quite some time, mostly running from fights and she and managed to keep her head somehow. When she was growing up she developed an evil side, that she named Mira, when the neighborhood children would purposefully be horribly mean to her. Emerald and her late husband decided to not have children; being that he was flying a lot and she found out she couldn't have them. She didn't want to be stuck at home raising a child all by herself. Then she was widowed, ironically, because of a plane crash; she was left to fend for herself.
She killed herself in a car accident; she wrapped her car around a tree. Emerald had been so upset because of John's death; she wanted to join him forever. Every time she came back she figured it was because it wasn't her time yet. Her watcher Kiana Morgan happened to be working in the area and witnessed the event. When she checked Emerald she was definitely dead. Kiana helped her to a nearby nunnery and left her there. There Emerald met Sister Mary Elizabeth. The area children called her Sister Lizzy. The Sister happened to be an immortal and she knew the rules of the game as well. There Emerald refreshed her immortal training with Sister Lizzy in private. She even picked up a few new techniques. Soon the Sister realized that her charge would be leaving, and she let her go with her blessing.
Emerald became hell bent on taking male immortal rivals' heads with dark hair, because every time she saw one it reminded her of her late husband John. There have been many reasons for taking heads, besides there can be only one, but this seemed to be the most farcical reason of all. Emerald was a red head, and she grew to hate dark haired immortals. Emerald was still on the inside of the hacking world when she heard about Lynda being compromised. Then this Adam Pierson called and she didn't know what to think. She closed up shop after getting personal time and was on the first plane to Seacouver. Emerald hoped she could help her long time friend. She hadn't wanted Lynda to take off the time from her job, but she knew Lynda wouldn't get professional help for the depression. Emerald hadn't been told about the cancer.
* Like usual, Lynda got her way and look where it got her. I'm on my way to rescue her again… * Emerald sighed, remarked to her inner mental notepad.
Through the help of snowmobiles, Adam and Kelly rode out to Lynda's cabin. Adam stayed out of immortal sense range, put on his headset while Kelley put on hers, and headed in closer to the cabin. Kelley watched as Lynda was dancing and hand cleaning while listening to "Total Eclipse Of The Heart," by Bonnie Tyler on her stereo, she sang along with all Bonnie's parts. Adam was quite surprised that in the time it took for them to find her, she already had power and running water in the cabin as he watched though binoculars. Kelley had to giggle as Lynda was purposefully singing the lyrics awfully. She put her headset mike up to the windowpane so Adam could hear. The song ended and Bonnie Tyler's "It's A Heartache," came on over the large speaker.
"Damn you, you wouldn't leave me alone and you've broken my heart. Probably without knowing it too," Lynda said aloud, not knowing Kelley and Adam are both listening in, "I thought Paul was a bad one, but no you're worse and I don't really know you. I let you get in too deep."
Adam knew she was talking about him and he crossed his fingers, thankful she didn't use his name.
Akamu stayed put in his spot, he couldn't have been happier. His new favorite spot was in front of the fireplace where he could nap on the rug and keep warm.
Lynda decided to take a warm bath and relax since she had been busy cleaning all day. She went up into the bathroom, stripped down, and started her bath. She climbed in and pulled down the shower massager into the tub to make it feel like a Jacuzzi tub. She turned off the water flow from the faucet to the shower massager. Thank god Lynda had been warming the pipes up all day or it would have been an awfully short bath time.
Kelley moved in closer to the wall near to the bathroom.
She turned the dial and set it to a slow rhythmic pulse. She lets it sit in the tub, making the water feel like a Jacuzzi, bubbling everywhere. Lynda let her head fall back against the edge of the tub, fully relaxed her body in the warm water. She moved the shower massager to pulse slowly over her thigh and it gave her a warm feeling in her core.
* You're alone, what could it hurt? * Lynda's inner voice told her.
She held the shower massager between her legs with her outer lips and thighs and gripped the edge of the tub. She let her mind drift away, settled on a memory of the view of Adam in her bed, just before he moved and the sheet uncovered his rear. She imagined him rolling over, holding up the sheet for her, and letting her slip in under the covers with him. She imagined the massaging water as if it were Adam's fingers down between her thighs.
Kelley's mike picked up on most of the sounds, including the hum of the shower massager under water. She too started to picture Adam the last time they slept together.
* God it was something special. * Kelley thought.
"God Adam, I should shoot you for dumping me," Kelley said into her headset.
"Sorry, I just didn't want the same things you did."
"What was so wrong with wanting to move in with me, maybe getting married, and starting a family down the road?"
"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I just couldn't give you the family part."
"So? We could have adopted, maybe down the road we could've cloned you or I for that matter. The point is that we had other options, but you gave up on me, before I had the chance to fight back."
"Yes and look at what you have now. You have what you wanted, a baby and a husband."
"But they aren't you Adam. You used to do things to me… My husband should take lessons from you."
"I'm most sure that would be highly inappropriate. Just tell him what you want and how you want it."
Lynda began to moan and groan from the tub. She pictured her and Adam making love slow and easy. As she came to her climax, she saw them clawing at each other speeding up the pace, going extremely deliriously fast and into a frenzied completion.
The sounds were turning on Kelley as well, even though she didn't go that way. She wondered if Adam was getting somewhat aroused by the sounds…She also wondered if she could get Adam back to her room for a little action.
And then suddenly, Lynda cried out her orgasm.
"Oh God, Adaammm, nnnnnugh, yesss."
Adam held his hand over the mike, "Shit."
He realized he might have to prove it wasn't him, because watchers couldn't be involved with immortals. He thought of Joe and Duncan, just about every other friend of Duncan's that came around the bar.
* What the hell? Did she just call out his name? * Thought Kelley.
"Kelley, time to go."
"Adam, I am her watcher. I have to stay."
"I'll buy us dinner, if you come now," Adam said as he tried to at least provide Lynda a little decent privacy, even though the point was moot.
"All right. I could use a drink."
* So could I. * Adam thought as he mounted his snowmobile.
A few days later Emerald managed to track Lynda's apartment down. She used a key that Lynda sent her when she first moved in. The place looked a little bare, she called out and no reply. She went into the kitchen and reached in under the silverware drawer. There Emerald found a note from Lynda, she opened it and began reading.
"Em, if I am not here and the place is a little *empty* you can reach me at my place of peace. 14752 Seacliff Road. Answer this puzzle and you will find me there... Spring, summer, fall, and ships are harbored there."
Emerald thought for a few moments. Winter is missing and… Got it! Emerald took the note and locked the place back up. She jumped into her rental car and drove as fast as the law would allow to Winter Harbour. Six hours later, Emerald pulled into town at midnight. She parked behind the gas station for the night and camped out in her car over night.
In the morning, Bob, the gas guy, came out to check on the strange car parked behind the gas station. He knocked on the window and Emerald started awake, glared at the person that just woke her up. She rolled down her window.
"We're not open until 8 ma'am. Can I help you?"
"What time is it?"
"It's seven thirty."
Emerald checked her watch and realized she hadn't changed her watch since she landed at the airport.
"Can I get you something?"
"Not really, I just needed a place to sleep over for the night. I got here last night about midnight and everything was closed. Could you give me directions to 14752 Seacliff Road?"
"What sorta business do ya have up there, eh," asked Bob as he tried to be nosy.
* Ugh, small town people. * Emerald thought.
"Not that it is any of your beeswax, I am visiting a friend up there."
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