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Lynda and Emerald talked themselves into having a good old-fashioned pajama party like they used to have in the dormitory at college. They stopped in to the general store to shop for food and supplies to snack the night away. They had decided that in the morning, Emerald would take Lynda out to start her training. Lynda felt like she was beginning to have fun, perhaps spending quality time with her best friend was what she needed to get out of her depression.
"You know having you here is beginning to be a tad fun," Lynda remarked while filling a large tray with the cache of food.
"I'll be here as long as you need me or as long as I am welcome here."
"You know you are always welcome here."
"Listen, I brought a few chick flicks for us to watch. I brought Somewhere In Time, X-Men and 2, Someone Like You, Swordfish because I know you love the part in the beginning with the blow job, Kate and Leopold, Love Potion Number Nine, Man Without A Face, Forever Young, and Premonition."
"Sounds great," Lynda said as she folded up the collapsible box, "A few? Did you bring any thing to wear? I'll do the Jiffy pop in a few minutes. If you want to get started, I haven't seen Brady in a while. You know he sure does get my blood boiling, too bad he isn't real. We'll start the drooling there."
"Yeah, only you would fall in love with strange men like him. I still think he would look better with a goatee instead of that huge mustache. Wonderful, I'll head in and get my seat."
Emerald headed into the living room and out of the blue she felt a faint, getting stronger familiar immortal buzz that was getting closer.
Lynda came into the room with two Jiffy pop containers in her hand. She now felt the other presence besides her own and Emerald's.
"Em, go in the kitchen. You will know when it's safe."
"But…" she knew it was no use arguing with Lynda.
Lynda grabbed the gun from the small end table near the door. She held it behind her back and opened the door slowly. She saw Adam's face, eased a little, but was still tense.
"Well, look what the abominable snowman brought us. Hello Adam," she said being civil, anger in her tone, "What do you want?"
"Am I disturbing something?"
"Yes, my girl friend, that you went behind my back and called, and I were about to have a Girls Night In."
"I was hoping we could talk."
"Oh you mean about all the things you neglected to tell me? Like if I lose my head it's all over?"
Adam felt her ire and she had every right. He was just trying to protect her until he had more time.
* Protecting her from what? * Adam thought, as he was a bit speechless.
"I am sorry I didn't tell you everything at once. I didn't want to overwhelm you, then you said you needed some time, so I gave you space. Then you disappeared and I was concerned."
"Really? I'd been expecting you to show up sooner than this."
"I had trouble finding you."
"EM, It's ok… He's a friend," Lynda called out.
Emerald entered the room apprehensively, but quickly eased when she saw Adam Pierson for the not-so first time.
"Adam this is Emerald Montgomery. Emerald this is Adam Pierson."
"Long time no see lover mine," Emerald said with an Irish accent and with ease as they shook hands, exchanged pleasantries.
* Lover? Em knows this man? He knows her? My Adam? *
Lynda's mind was reeling. She didn't know what to feel. She thought Adam was hers, but there she went assuming things that weren't true.
Adam took a seat as Lynda watched Emerald closely, she couldn't tell if Em liked him or wanted to kill him. Lynda would have been the first one in line to kill him, after he kept important things from her, but strangely he was still growing on her. Emerald noticed he still looked very cute and still no more than 30, he hadn't changed a bit the last time she had seen him.
The three Immortals stayed in safe topics, chatting about the weather, interests in sports, and literature. Adam made a mental note of Lynda's favorites, Poe, Elizabeth Browning, Robert Burns, William Shakespeare, and Alun Lewis. She certainly had an interesting combination. At times, Emerald couldn't help but stare at Adam's face.
Lynda picked up on this and brought it to her attention.
"Hey maybe I should set you two up on a semi-blind date?"
Emerald laughed, Adam just smirked, and took a drink of Lynda's face. He thought it seemed unsure of what to do.
"You are just kidding, right," Emerald asked.
"I'm sure she's not," Adam said, smirked.
"Aww, come on Em, he looks willing. Are you ready and able? Ok, that was a bad pun."
"Ok. I'll leave the details to you then, Adam, but I am going back by the end of next week," said Emerald.
"She's going be staying with me, so you can pick her up here."
"Gee, ambush me why don't ya Lyn."
"Listen, I need to get going, I have some business to take care of. I don't mean to intrude on your ladies' night any longer."
Adam stood up and took his old frame out the door.
Lynda followed him to his Cherokee. He had replaced the Jimmy because it was a reminder of his past from his blow up with Duncan.
"I still need more time, Adam. I don't like it when people lie to me or keep things from me either. Got it?"
"Sometimes things are better left unsaid, for your safety," he said then quickly kissed her cheek, got in the Cherokee, drove off.
His kiss on her cheek left her a little stunned. A boy had kissed her and he didn't even ask first! She touched her hand to the right cheek, still feeling his burning lips upon her skin. He was gone before she came back to reality. She went back into the cabin, decided to grill Em about her, Adam's past, and why she didn't tell her about him.
Adam had forgotten that he was going to talk to Lynda about training soon. He'd have to arrange for another little nap for Kiana and Kelley if he was going to see her again. He hadn't expected to see Jeanette Roche' there either. The name Emerald Montgomery seemed to fit her too. Adam would definitely take her upon that semi-blind date Lynda suggested.
In the early morning, Emerald got up and prepared a little breakfast for her and Lynda. Today was the beginning of Lynda's training. Lynda wandered in to the kitchen and ate breakfast with Emerald. The ladies dressed, stretched, went out on their first walk. Emerald made sure the poor girl didn't over do it on her first day. Five days later, Lynda was starting to show up Emerald, wanting to go out for longer periods, sometimes twice a day.
After putting the two watchers for a second time, Adam came up to the cabin again. Emerald was there and Lynda went down to the ocean for a swim while Akamu patrolled the beach. Emerald had been finishing up the dishes from breakfast, since it was her turn. She answered the door and found Adam there. He came to her wrapping his arms around her, kissing her deeply. Emerald welcomed her old flame back into her arms. She would have jumped him there and then but Lynda wasn't too far away. He kicked the door shut behind him as they walked into Lynda's living room. Adam and Emerald spent a little time catching up, Emerald explaining about living for so long without a teacher, not listening to Adam when he told her about herself in the past. They both agreed that finding the Sister at the convent saved her butt from the game.
They made plans to go out the next night, Emmy stayed hidden for the moment. All she had to do was find someplace dark and private and the head of Doc Adams would be hers. Adam checked his watch and decided that he would try and be Adam Pierson for a while and try to wake up the two watchers. He excused himself, but not before planting another passionate kiss on Emerald.
Unfortunately, Lynda happened to see the kiss as she was coming back to the cabin from her swim. It felt like her heart was ripped from her chest. She tried not to get upset but it was too late, the second bump in the road of what she thought was a relationship with Adam happened. Her best friend was kissing the man she had grown to love.
* But was it love? See, it's your fault. You should have just not gone out today! * Lynda's inner voice told her and she accepted it.
She came back to the cabin slamming each and every door as she went up into the bathroom in her room. Lynda hopped into the shower and washed the salt water out of her hair.
Emerald noticed the noises and knew that Lynda was pissed.
"Adam you better go so I can calm down the storm that's brewing in there," Emerald said.
"Right. I'll see you tomorrow night about seven."
Adam went back to the motel. He changed his clothing in the parking lot. He picked open the door, hid all their notes, took the money from their wallets this time, and put it in his briefcase. Adam took it out to the Cherokee and then went back to pretend to find the two watchers in the closet. He helped them both out of the closet and put them on the bed. He just waited around until the sedative wore off. Adam made coffee and poured some when they started to come around.
"What happened," Kiana asked.
"I just got back in from going for a walk and I thought I would check in with you two. From the looks of it I'd say you were robbed. I looked and I couldn't find your notes and your money is missing."
"Oh damn. I should get dressed and try to remember what I had down," said Kelley.
"I'll call in and let Joe know what happened," said Kiana.
"I guess I'll be going then. Are you two sure you're going to be safe tonight," asked Adam.
"Yeah we should be fine. Next time I'm gonna kill the bastard," said Kelly as she pulled out a Colt 45 and began to load it.
Adam realized he was going to have to be more careful next time he tried this or come up with a better plan.
"I don't think we should tell the management about what happened. They'd ask too many questions," said Kiana.
"Right Kiana. Have you got your gun," asked Kelley.
"Yeah, it's loaded. Are you sure you two are ok," Adam asked of them, because of the sudden birth of the Rambo Sisters…
"Yes," they both answered.
Adam went to his room satisfied that he had stolen their notes; the money was just a bonus. He needed to make it look like a robbery and he thought it went quite well. The notes he would rifle through and eventually when he got back he might pass them along to Joe. He grabbed a beer from the mini bar in the small fridge and sprawled on his twin bed.
Lynda finished dressing and decided on a nap, skipping lunch. Emerald waited until things stopped slamming and then went upstairs to Lynda's room. She knocked, opened the door, and saw she was lying in bed with Akamu by her side.
Akamu looked up and then put his head back down; he had looked at Emerald as if she were disturbing his slumber.
"I'm sorry Lyn, I should have told you. It's been so long that I didn't even recognize his voice over the phone when he called me to come see you. I had no idea that it was him."
Lynda stayed in bed and didn't move, "How could you do that to me Em. I've grown attached to him and here you come and it feels like you're stealing him right underneath my nose."
"How could you fault me? You never said that he was officially yours. So how was I supposed to know? Besides, you're the one that suggested that we go out on a semi-blind date. You talked Adam into going along with your idea and then you both practically force me into accepting. What in the hell do you expect me to do? I had no choice but to follow your plan."
"If you hadn't been giving him looks while I was watching you react to him… Damn it. The least you could have done was kiss him behind my back, not where I could see you… Just go away for a while. I need time to be alone."
"Fine. I'm going shopping. I need something to wear 'tomorrow' night."
Emerald shut the door. She knew Lynda would get over it. Emerald left and went into town to go shopping. She found something to wear and some things she could take home for her place. Lynda knew that Adam and Emerald were going to enjoy themselves on their date no matter what she thought about the whole situation. She could not control them.
* Now look what you've done. Smooth one... * Lynda's inner sarcastic voice told her as she started to beat herself up mentally for thinking that it had been a good idea to send Adam and Emerald on a date.
For the next day and a half 'the kiss' became the proverbial elephant in the room. Lynda gave Emerald the silent treatment. She got up, just to make her something to eat and feed Akamu, and then went out to walk him. Lynda began to come around shortly before Adam was about to arrive to pick up Emerald.
"You look good Em. You ready to go?"
"In a few."
They both felt Adam's buzz as he pulled up.
"I'll go get him, stay here."
Adam made a deal with the two female watchers, that he would watch the immortals for the night so that they could try and piece their notes back together. They agreed and were safely tucked away for the night. Adam pulled up to Lynda's place as he listened to the last lines of, "I'm on fire," by Bruce Springsteen on the radio. He came to the door, dressed in his best jeans, cashmere sweater, boots, and trench coat. He knocked on the door.
* Damn, I should have added another layer… It's still too bloody hell cold up here," Adam thought as he waited for the door to be opened.
Lynda opened the door, not making eye contact. She feared her eyes would betray how much she would've rather gone out with him, but this had been her idea. She only had herself to blame; she just wished that she had known that Emerald had known Adam already.
Adam noticed something wrong with Lynda's mood and his lovely date entered the room before he could call her on it. He handed her a bottle of wine.
Emerald appeared in a black top, free flowing black slacks, black loafers with no socks that went into black snow boots. Her hair done up with hairpins with emerald jewels. She looked at the label on the bottle.
"Good year," Emerald commented.
Lynda took the bottle from Emerald.
"I'll take care of this for you," Lynda said just to get out of the room, headed for the kitchen.
Adam slipped Emerald a look and asked, "What's up with her?"
Emerald shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her heavy coat.
Lynda saw them out the door and wished them a good time; she was sure going have one.
Hours later almost pre dawn, the two old lovebirds stopped at the door for a long good night kiss. Adam and Emerald came in the door laughing and carrying on. They didn't hear Lynda but they felt her, the place was dark and instantly foreboding. Emerald flipped on the nearest light. The place had been trashed a little. A few lamps were broken, pictures in broken frames all over the floor. Adam knew what she had done; it had become a pattern with Lynda, almost predictable.
Little Akamu came into the room and Adam saw him before Emerald. He had patches of blood on him.
Adam checked him and it definitely was not the dogs' blood. Now all he had to do was locate Lynda before Emerald saw her first.
"Why don't you go pour a couple glasses of that wine I brought and I will let Lynda know we're back," Adam said.
"Sure, and then I'll get a broom and dust pan."
He took Akamu into Lynda's room. There were broken glass, wine, and bloodstains on the carpet. He backed out and headed for the bathroom.
* Well she definitely took care of the wine. Damn it, Lynda. Why now? I thought you were going to stop this! * Adam thought as he looked at the mess.
He opened her bathroom door, blood on the floor, and a bathtub of very bloody water. He pulled the plug and he found Lynda dressed just as she was the night before, with slit arms cut lengthwise. She had not healed yet because she was still so new in the game and hadn't taken a quickening yet.
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