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- Want To Be With You -
- Rating: R and NC-17later. R rating is for Angst, Violence,
Language, Detailed descriptions of medical terminology, and also is AU.
- Pairing: DM/T.
- Characters: RR. The characters of Justin Bryant, Cathy: the late night nurse, Dora: morning nurse, Dr. Toby Kemp are my creations. If you wish to borrow them, ask me first!!
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: Sometime in 1992 and before Tessa's death in 1993.
- Location: Seacouver, Washington.
- Summary: Duncan forgot his anniversary and Tessa
decides to make him jealous, while Richie is stuck in the middle. A break
down in communication, a misunderstanding, and a car accident come along. Will
Duncan lose Tessa forever?
- Author's Note: Inspired By the music of The Moody Blues and Krystal's Writer's Challenge
a long, long time ago.
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