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Today I'll tell you how I met Methos. So if you'll flashback with me…
Today is a new day. I need breakfast so I leaped up on the dresser to find Linda my special human with a strange male human. I have never seen him before. My human is laying with her back to him and sleeping soundly, she looks happy. Oh well, I guess I'll have to find food elsewhere.
Now I made it to the kitchen and I noticed a strawberry pie on the counter. What's one strawberry here, a strawberry there? Dig in! I ate my fill, jumped out the kitchen window as Linda my special 'angry' human in, and chased me off. I'll probably have a tummy ache later on Duncan's office floor. I make my way back into the building and back in Duncan's chair again for a nice nap.
A while later I went out to the gardens and the grassy patch. I ran and rolled in the grass playing with it to get rid of this itch I couldn't scratch. I spotted the strange, tall, male human, with short dark-hair and a long nose that was in Linda's bed this morning. He was leaning against a tree with some sort of device over his ears; he didn't hear me. His aura looks good; it looks cat friendly. He was reading some book with his legs outstretched.
I took it upon myself to step into his lap. I did a few circles in his lap then lay across it. It didn't faze him, he kept reading. Then his hand came down and began to rub small circles behind my ears. Ahhhh, heaven. Oooh that feels good. I put my head down and he began to stroke my back. He stopped for a moment and put his book down. He took off the strange device, flipped a button, sighed, and continued to stroke my back.
He picked me up and cradled me in his arm… Um… Like a small human. I snuggled into the warmth of his arm, sleepily closed my eyes. When I opened them we were indoors. Somewhere with a lot of books, a library my guess. I heard voices; I recognize my special human's voice. Then I look up at the stranger's face. Well HELLO!
"Sweetie, this is Methos," I heard Linda tell me, "Methos this is Empress Cheshire Kitten."
"Nice to finally meet you," he says taking my paw to shake while I'm still in his arms.
"Meoow," I say. I like him; I like his voice too.
"She likes you, you know," Linda told him.
"Good, now we're friends."
Then Methos begins to read her something that sounds like old stuff with a lot of words as he kept me in his arms. His voice puts me to sleep…
Nap time again…
There seams to be a lot of noise as it wakes me from my kitty dreams of chasing mice, getting rubbed by the one with the long nose, and nice voice. What was his name? My special human introduced us… Oh that's his name, Methos. I have met three humans since I have been here and Methos is by far is my favorite. I have yet to meet the red headed, barefooted, tall thing that just ran after a woman in a bikini who was also barefooted.
A little stretch before I get going. Ooh. Eee. Right there. All set. Now food and fun. Imagine my surprise, as there are a lot of people in the kitchen! There must be something going on. A party is what Methos calls it. I wonder what they are celebrating this time? It must be good… Food is coming out of the kitchen in droves. I have decided to steer clear of Linda in the kitchen because she has a rolling pin. Man it's hot. I know cats like me hate to get wet sometimes but it sounds good to me today.
"There's my baby. She's awake now."
Uh oh… Methos has found me… Hmm, maybe I can use him to get what I want. So I let him carry me around. There are crinkly colorful things and artsy things hanging everywhere. Ooops, now I'm down on the ground gently. Maybe I'll go catch me a bird for dinner. Oh now there's Methos getting wet by the tall one with the long dark hair. Methos is all wet and I can feel his breath catch with my own lungs. Now Methos moves closer, as he is dripping with um… Tasting… Water. He passes me to what was his name… Oh um Duncan… And the Empress SCORES! That water feels good but I'm too cold now… Must get warmer now.
Now Linda is helping Duncan out by taking me so that he can sit and Methos can dry his hair. The red haired one comes by with a tray of something and asks,
"Beer, Old Man?"
"Richard Ryan, you are a god-send. Thanks."
"No problem, and it's Richie today… I want to be younger today… I'll be all grown up later when I'm tired."
He offers one to Linda but she has a glass of yellow sour and sweet stuff on the picnic table. I say sour because she puckers after drinking it. Well now I know the red haired one is called Richard Ryan or Richie. I think I like Richie better. I must get his attention somehow, but I will wait a while.
I am back in Methos' arms and he feels good all wet. Linda is feeding Methos a piece of this juicy yellow thing. It dribbles a little on his hand and he lets me lick it off. It's sweet. He takes more in his hand and feeds Duncan. It's got a green and red underside… Oops. They dropped some on me. Hmm, I like this sweet yellow thing. I wonder what this is called. I want one… I found Methos' hand and I'll do some cleaning now.
Back to the present… That's all for now. Until next week humans… I'm going to go sleep next to Methos now.
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