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Empress Cheshire
Kitten Tales
The Empress Tales -
- Rating: PG to start then NC-17 for AU, M/M Sex, suggested M/F Sex, and
maybe some angst.
- Pairing: M/D
- Characters: M, DMotCM, CMotCM, RR, A, JD.
- Feedback: Yes, please go to the Feedback Forum on the site.
- Time: A while after Not To Be.
- Location: Seacouver, WA.
- Summary: Methos gets a cat…
- Author's Note: This was originally started on the Clan CDC Message Board by
me. I thought it might be nice to retool it and share with you all. It started out as an idea, that I had a cat and that Connor and Richie were still alive. That Duncan and Methos were together, but didn't mind an occasional female action too.
So sit back and try not to have any drinks near the keyboards. The cuteness factor will be sky high. Enjoy!