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I am the Empress Cheshire Kitten and I live with the members of what I think is the Clan MacLeod. I was adopted, saved from the pet cemetery and I moved in here a while ago. From what I've seen it's awfully nice. I think it's in Seacouver… I smelled the ocean close by when I moved in. It must be just outside the city too. I can smell trees too. Lots of them. This is a tale about what I see week to week. So far the humans seem nice, but I don't bother them, okay I almost never bother them, and they don't bother me. I don't know all of the humans here yet. And with those humans are other animals I'm not so sure I like…
I like hiding in dark corners, they never notice me around them. I am a little shy around humans I don't know, but I am sassy and proud to a fault. My owner is Adam Pierson; he's really nice. He also goes by Methos. Oh and I have a special friend that comes to groom me and pamper me. She stays a few days and then leaves; she's like a cleaning human too, she's called Linda. She gives good kitty massages too. She's the one that saved me from going behind the green door the next day. She gave me to my owner Methos, but more on that later.
Uh oh… Here comes that white haired tall one that keeps giving me his name. Oh no… No way out. I'm in a corner. He's coming down to my level. I'm scared… Ok claws ready. He reached out his hand to grab me. I hiss just to give him warning. He doesn't take it and I strike out in fear. He backs off.
"Heh, heh, heh. Well nice to meet you again too. I'm Connor MacLeod. I'll leave you alone now."
He seems ok but he doesn't take my warnings. He'll be on my cautious list a while longer. Now I'm free and I'm off to find me another hiding place…
I found me another hiding place. I really like this leather chair pushed in to the desk. It's nice and dark… Until the tall, long dark haired one moves me from my spot. I'm going have to teach him not to shoo me off the chair. I will not be rushed. The other night I got him back by jumping on his shoulder while he was reading. Occasionally, I find my way into his office for a few hours of peaceful sleep. Sometimes I get to hear gossip about how Methos is in bed when Duncan talks into a black thing that spins. It scares me to think of what it does.
"Fffffisck, fisssck." I called at him the first day we met.
"I am Duncan MacLeod and this is my spot, wee lil' kitty. Now vacate it."
"Meow," I looked at him with my big brown eyes, but it was no good.
I found myself being gently placed on the floor. I tried to show my appreciation by wrapping myself around him. Then I walked out of the office as he held open the door for me. What a gentleman. I must convey this to my favorite human. I'm sure he'll be most interested. Now where was that mouse I was hunting yesterday…
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